How Does Your Garden Grow?

Motivational Moments are brought to you by Timeline Antiques & Collectibles at 3323 Line Avenue.

“Common sense is a flower that doesn’t grow in every garden”

Have you ever met a person that is SO intelligent, but has zero life skills?

It’s always baffled me to see somebody who can comprehend numbers, science, and things in the medical field struggle to be able to put gas in a car or follow a monthly budget.

How does that work???

I’ve got to remind myself that we each have our own set of skills. What may be common sense to you or me, (ie don’t buy something if you can’t pay for it!) could be as far away as the stars for somebody.

That doesn’t mean a person is dumb, or you’re a better person for having common sense. It means there’s a balance in the world. I personally need the intelligent folks to balance me! My garden of common sense may be sparse some days, but I try to water it as much as I can.

What does your garden grow?


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